Components Production Systems Development Engineering Services


Strategy ELBET Holding AG

ELBET Holding AG is a family-owned company. The ownership is pursuing a sustainable growth strategy with a simultaneous conservative financing policy. For orientation and coordination of behavior in the sense of ownership the attention of core values ​​to all employees is specified in the group.

The holding companies are active in selected niche markets of electrical engineering. A differentiation strategy with profitable growth should cause market leadership which is supposed to be above the average.

In its role as a financial holding, subsidiaries are given a very high entrepreneurial autonomy. The subsidiaries develop their strategy autonomously. It will be synchronized annually by the holding board. On this basis, the guidance on annual performance targets will occur.

ELBET Holding AG is responsible for the Group-wide strategy process. The Holding Board Members regularly review the validity and results of the strategies and validate the development of the business portfolio and the related potentials, opportunities and threats.

Based on the Bylaws ELBET Holding AG supports the subsidiaries in foreign exchange managements, financing of larger-scale projects, implementation and operation of key systems, leadership and central management, insurances and contracting.

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